Now to evaluate the
Outpatient visits
service Please select the evaluation carefully so that we can always provide the best service to.
Medical Care
Has the doctor given you a full explanation of the treatment or procedures?
Have You been directly involved in caring decisions?
How satisfied are you with the doctor's approach to care?
were Nursing procedures explained in a way that you understood before they started?
How appropriate appointments are to your wishes?
Was it easy to book an appointment?
Were you received at the clinic as per your booked appointment?
Have you been given a clear explanation of any delay?
Patient rights
Your knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of patients?
Has Your privacy been respected all the time?
Did Staff Respond to your needs in clear and understandable language?
Level of Proficiency and cooperation of the receptionist?
How satisfied are you with the services of the Approvals Office?
How satisfied are you with laboratory services?
How satisfied are you with the Radiology Services?
How satisfied are you with pharmacy services?
Was the level of hygiene in the hospital at the required level?
Are you satisfied with the level of safety in the hospital?
Generally , Are you satisfied with the services provided to you?
Would you recommend the hospital to your friends or other members of your family?
How can we improve hospital services?